:calendar: Jarvis Task Manager - User Guide

1. Introduction

Jarvis is for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their tasks. More importantly, Jarvis is strictly optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI). So, if you can type fast, you can rely on Jarvis to get your task management done much quicker than many other traditional apps out there. Enjoy!

2. Features

Command Format


2.1 Add a task

With Jarvis, you can add 3 different types of tasks: todo, deadline and event.

2.1.1 todo - Adds a todo task

A todo type of task will be added to the current task list.

Format: todo [description]

Example of usage:todo read book

Expected outcome:


2.1.2 deadline - Adds a deadline task

A deadline type of task will be added to the current task list.

Format: deadline [DESCRIPTION] /by [DUE DATE & TIME]

Example of usage: deadline project submission /by 2020-03-02 1200

Expected outcome:

Example of usage: deadline return book /by June 6th

Expected outcome:


2.1.3 event - Adds a event task

An event type of task will be added to the current task list.

Format: event [DESCRIPTION] /at [EVENT TIME & VENUE]

Example of usage: event project meeting /at 2020-03-02 1200

Expected outcome:

Example of usage: event party /at Julia's house tmr

Expected outcome:


2.2 Mark task as done

done - Mark done

Marks specified task as done.

Format: done [INDEX]

Example of usage: done 1

Expected outcome:


2.3 List

list - Displays all tasks in list

Format: list

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:


2.4 Find

find - Find tasks that match keyword

Find all tasks that match the given keyword

Format: find [KEYWORD]

Example of usage: find book

Expected outcome:


2.5 Delete

delete - Deletes task from list

Deletes specified task from list.

Format: delete [INDEX]

Example of usage: delete 1

Expected outcome:


2.6 Filter

Allows you to filter your task list by 3 different categories: task type, done status and date.

filter - Filters list according to category

The task list is filtered according to the given category.

Format: filter [category]

Example of usage:filter todo

Expected outcome:

Example of usage:filter deadline

Expected outcome:

Example of usage:filter event

Expected outcome:

Example of usage:filter DATE

:bulb: Jarvis is smart enough to list events/ deadlines occurring on the same day in chronological order!


2.7 Clear

clear - Clear all tasks in list

Clears and deletes all task in list

Format: clear

Example of usage: clear

Expected outcome:


2.8 Help

help - Displays a help list

The help list contains information about all accepted commands.

It will be displayed if the input command is invalid.

Format: help

Example of usage: help

Expected outcome:


2.9 Exit Program

bye - Exits the program

Saves task list to a local storage file in the computer and exits program.

Format: bye

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:


3. Command Summary